Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Been a while! And on to a new project!

After a poke from a fellow blogger and good mate I am updating finally heh.  The models I was previously painting have been left by the wayside a bit.  I think I got a bit disheartened with them when I managed to knock one on to the floor, causing it to fall to pieces and severely fuck up the paint job.  I did glue it back together again but haven't gone back to it since.  Plus I did start the Pureblood Warpwolf which I had ordered from (very awesome shop btw based in Cardiff) but have ended up leaving that alone as well.
I think the reason for the change was another mate who works for Games Workshop pointed me to a limited edition set that was being brought out called Dreadfleet.  I umm'd and arr'd till I finally gave in and bought the set, which was about £70.  But the amount of stuff you get in it is mental!  It's a fully self contained game in essence.  And its freakin' pirates!!! :D  Who doesn't love pirates?  Anyway, you get all the pieces to build and paint, plus the terrain, game pieces etc etc.  Even my dad's got in on the act and asked whether he could help me with it.  He's a complete newbie painter as well, so I was having to teach him a few things from my limited knowledge.  Was kind of fun actually hehe.  So we're set up with our own brushes and we're doing a few ships each.  I think there are 10 in total so plenty to do along with the pieces etc.

Crazy me decided to start on the one I thought looked the coolest....and ended up probably being one of the hardest lol.  It is now 99.99% complete though which I'm quite proud of and everyone I've shown pics to said they're quite impressed so I'm happy.  This is probably not the best photo in the world but it'll do heh 


So the Bloody Reaver just needs bodging onto the base (its a bit too wide due to the model not glueing together flush enough) and needs a coat of varnish.  Next to go under the paint brush is the Black Kraken.  I have done a bit on this already, such as the steel parts and the bronze detail but its still got a little way to go.  Hopefully it'll go a lot quicker than the previous one did though.  For one there's not as much of it to paint lol!  Here's a photo of it just with the primer on.

Well, that's the project so far.  I'll try and keep this up to date as I go but you know how life gets in the way etc.  Till next time :)

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